
filter is used by all NNA queries and the options available to use on your query will depend on what you choose as your starting set.

You can always find the full list of available filters by going to /filters REST endpoint.

  1. accessTime - Usable by files. Filters the working INode set by some last accessed timestamp. Please note this only applies if your Hadoop cluster has accesstime enabled.
  2. modTime - Usable by files and dirs. Filters the working INode set by last modified timestamp.
  3. fileSize - Usable by files. Filters the working INode set by some file size (in bytes). (No replication factor)
  4. diskspaceConsumed - Usable by files. Filters the working INode set by some disk space size (in bytes). (Includes replication factor)
  5. memoryConsumed - Usable by files and dirs. Filters the working INode set by some memory size (in bytes).
  6. fileReplica - Usable by files. Filters the working INode set by some replication factor.
  7. blockSize - Usable by files. Filters the working INode set by some block size (in bytes). (No replication factor)
  8. numBlocks - Usable by files. Filters the working INode set by some number of blocks in the file. (No replication factor)
  9. numReplicas - Usable by files. Filters the working INode set by some number of blocks in the file. (Includes replication factor)
  10. dirNumChildren - Usable by dirs. Filters the working INode set by some number of children directly under the directory.
  11. dirSubTreeSize - Usable by dirs. Filters the working INode set by some number of total disk space bytes under the subtree. (Includes replication factor)
  12. dirSubTreeNumFiles - Usable by dirs. Filters the working INode set by some number of children (that are files) under the directory subtree.
  13. dirSubTreeNumDirs - Usable by dirs. Filters the working INode set by some number of children (that are directories) under the directory subtree.
  14. storageType - Usable by files and dirs. Filters the working INode set by some BlockStoragePolicyId.
  15. depth - Usable by files and dirs. Filters the working INode set by some integer representing depth in the INode tree.
  16. permission - Usable by files and dirs. Filters the working INode set by some integer representing POSIX permissions.
  17. name - Usable by files and dirs. Filters the working INode set by some String representing the name of the file or directory.
  18. path - Usable by files and dirs. Filters the working INode set by some String representing the full path of the file or directory.
  19. user - Usable by files and dirs. Filters the working INode set by some String representing owner's username of the file or directory.
  20. group - Usable by files and dirs. Filters the working INode set by some String representing owner's group name of the file or directory.
  21. modDate - Functions like modTime but the value can be a calendar date, like: 01/01/1989.
  22. accessDate Functions like accessTime but the value can be a calendar date, like: 01/01/1989.
  23. isUnderConstruction - Usable by files. Filters the working INode set by some condition of whether the file is under construction.
  24. isWithSnapshot - Usable by files and dirs. Filters the working INode set by some condition of whether the file or directory is part of a Snapshot.
  25. hasAcl - Usable by files and dirs. Filters the working INode set by some condition of whether the file or directory is has a native HDFS ACL.
  26. hasQuota - Usable by dirs. Filters the working INode set by some condition of whether the directory has either a namespace or disk space quota assigned.
  27. isUnderNsQuota - Usable by files and dirs. Filters the working INode set by checking whether each INode has any parent up to the root that has a namespace quota assigned.
  28. isUnderDsQuota - Usable by files and dirs. Filters the working INode set by checking whether each INode has any parent up to the root that has a disk space quota assigned.

All memoryConsumed calculations are estimations performed as documented here.