
/quotas is a GET only call that only CACHE users can access. It takes an optional parameter ?user=<user> to specify looking at cached directory quota information for a specific user. It also takes a required parameter &sum=<nsQuotaRatioUsed|dsQuotaRatioUsed|nsQuotaAssigned|dsQuotaAssigned|nsQuotaUsed|dsQuotaUsed> to specify which quota information you wish to look at; either namespace or diskspace, percentage usage, assignment, and raw usage. Any directories that are marked for with a quota will automatically appear here after the next scan.

If you make the call with ?all as the parameter then the JSON dump will contain information of all directory quotas. If you use the ?all call, you may also add &sum=<quotaUsed|quotaAssigned|quotaRatioUsed> to the call those breakdowns; by default it will return the ratio used if no sum is specified.

Example response:

  nsQuota: {
    user1: {
      /dir1/dir1: 10,
      /dir1/dir2: 20
    user2: {
      /dir2/dir2: 30,
      /dir3/dir3: 40
  dsQuota: {
    user1: {
      /dir1/dir1: 50,
      /dir1/dir2: 60
    user2: {
      /dir2/dir2: 70,
      /dir3/dir3: 80

Response code is 200 and a JSON dump of directories and a mapping to a percentage (0-100) of their quota used.

Response code of 403 means you are not authorized to view this endpoint.