How To Test:

  1. git clone
  2. (Optional) Run ./gradlew -PmainClass=com.paypal.nnanalytics.TestNNAnalytics execute. This will run the public static void main method in under src/test/java. Use CTRL+C to stop the demo.
  3. (Optional) Run ./gradlew -PmainClass=com.paypal.nnanalytics.TestWithMiniCluster execute. This will run the public static void main method in under src/test/java. Use CTRL+C to stop the demo.
  4. A local instance of NNA should start and be accessible at http://localhost:4567. Use a browser, preferably Chrome or Firefox, to view.

** The difference between (a) and (b) is that (a) will launch a static instance of NNA with an unchanging files and directories where as (b) will mimic a production cluster on your local machine and update NNA as it runs.